Wednesday, October 7, 2009

Mulberry Street (2006)

Mulberry Street (2006)

Directed by: Jim Mickle
Screenplay by: Nick Damici and Jim Mickle

Genre: Action | Horror | Thriller
Running Time: 84 Minutes
MPAA Rating: R
Viewed: Owned DVD

The neighborhood is changing...


Comments: The After Dark Horrorfest is often a mixed bag in terms of quality films. Most of the time they're not all that great, but sometimes there's a really good film among them (The Abandoned and Frontier(s) jump to mind). Mulberry Street can now be counted amongst them. While the film has no budget, it's amazing how well shot and directed it is. The character development is beyond excellent, and considering it's more or less a zombie film, that alone is impressive in it's own right. The only real problem I had with the film were the "zombies" themselves. It seems that some unhealthy rats have been biting people, thus spreading the virus which turns people into flesh-eating... rat-zombies. I'm cool with people's bodies degrading after contracting the virus, but the fact that their faces started turning into rat heads was a bit too much. Normally, I'd simply ignore it but the film had such a serious mood and tone that the rat-zombies took it a step over the edge. Otherwise, Mulberry Street was a pleasant surprise, and one of the better zombie films I've seen in awhile. Definitely recommended.

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