Thursday, April 30, 2009

Bully (2001)

Bully (2001)

Directed by: Larry Clark
Screenplay by: David McKenna and Roger Pullis

Genre: Crime | Drama | Thriller
Running Time: 113 Minutes
MPAA Rating: Unrated
Viewed: Owned DVD

It's 4 AM. Do you know where your kids are?


Comments: The first time I saw Larry Clark's Bully was late on IFC one night when I was channel surfing. I missed the first half of the film, and as a general rule I don't watch movies from the middle if I've never seen it before. But something about Bully entranced me, and I couldn't turn the channel. The final half of the film is amazingly good. Since then, I've caught only bits and pieces of the movie, so last night I finally watched the film the entire way through. I was convinced that Bully could have been a five star film. However, the beginning feels overly rushed. While Bobby certainly is a prick and he did rape Lisa, they jump to the "let's kill him" aspect remarkably quick, without a lot of build-up. But the second half of the film is so damn good it definitely makes up for it. I really enjoyed Michael Pitt as Donny. Pitt's at his best when he's playing characters that are off-centered (or else he comes off as a bit wooden), such as Funny Games. But I loved how he portrayed Donny in Bully, as he adds a bit of humor into the serious proceedings. I definitely recommend Bully if you've never seen it.

Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Martyrs (2008)

Martyrs (2008)

Directed by: Pascal Laugier
Screenplay by: Pascal Laugier

Genre: Drama | Horror
Running Time: 97 Minutes
MPAA Rating: Unrated
Viewed: Owned DVD

They did not finish to be alive...


Comments: The first thing I must say is that if you've never read about the film or watched the trailer, don't. It makes the film much better not having any clue what is about to happen. I watched Pascal Laugier's introduction after the film, and he states that he tries to do something completely different just when you expect something to happen in Martyrs, which is why he wants you have a "virgin" experience. In fact, if you are truly interested in seeing Martyrs, stop reading now. I'm not going to spoil the film, but I am going to talk about it. And trust me, it's so much better not knowing a damn thing. The first half of Martyrs feels like the ending of a traditional horror film. One wonders what is going to happen for the last half of the movie. I, while enjoying the first half, was left wondering why the film was earning such praise. It was good, but there was nothing mind-blowing about the film. And then the second half began. The viewer is subjected to intense scenes - scenes that will put a pit in your stomach. The final 15 minutes will take that pit to a whole new level and leave you in awe of what you just watched. Pascal Laugier scripted the film so differently that Martyrs feels like two films in one, and the events play out both unpredictably and unexpectedly. Martyrs is one of the finest horror films I've seen in a long time, probably since I watched Inside. I have to go all the way back to The Descent to find a horror film I enjoyed as much. Highly recommended (if you can stomach it).

Sunday, April 26, 2009

The Driller Killer (1979)

The Driller Killer (1979)

Directed by: Abel Ferrara
Screenplay by: Nicholas St. John

Genre: Crime | Horror | Thriller
Running Time: 96 Minutes
MPAA Rating: Not Rated
Viewed: Owned DVD

It will shatter you!


Comments: There are parts of The Driller Killer that are truly wonderful. Most of the awesome scenes have to do with the killing, including the homeless man that gets a drill through the skull (which, considering the budget, looks amazing and is pictured on the poster). The ending is excellent as well, and is much better than anything else in the film. On the other hand, the first half of the film is incredibly boring, random, and so darkly shot you can't see half of what's going on (actually, the whole film is shot like that). Granted, I watched the public domain version of the film, and not the kick-ass DVD that Cult Epics put out. Anyway, director/actor Abel Ferrara can't seem to decide whether he wants to make an "artsy" film or a horror film, and therein lies the problem. The horror (well, more violence than true "horror") is the bright spot; unfortunately we are subject to listening to some shitty band for half the movie while Ferrara paints (the band makes me want to kill someone as well). The Driller Killer's cult status is mainly derived from the fact it was on the Video Nasties list, which is a shame. The pieces are in place, and if it was crafted a bit more deftly, then The Driller Killer could have been a true cult classic.

Antichrist (2009) -- Trailer

I hadn't heard of Lars Von Trier's new film Antichrist until today when Bloody Disgusting had images from the film that looked sweet. The trailer makes the film look extremely intense and something I will most definitely interested in. Antichrist doesn't have a U.S. distributor yet, but I believe the film will debut in Cannes and will most likely pick up a distributor there.

Friday, April 24, 2009

Moon (2009) -- Trailer

The trailer for Duncan Jones' new film Moon looks very promising. I particularly enjoy the music that kicks in when Sam Rockwell brings in himself (?) to the space station. Trailers usually rule, because they often make the shittiest films look amazing. Hopefully Moon will live up to how awesome the trailer for it is.

Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Bare Behind Bars (1980)

Bare Behind Bars (1980)

Directed by: Oswaldo de Oliveira
Screenplay by: Oswaldo de Oliveira

Genre: Action | Drama
Running Time: 94 Minutes
MPAA Rating: X
Viewed: I plead the fifth.

Behind bars no one can hear you scream!


Comments: Behind Bare Bars, which Oswaldo de Oliveira made before Amazon Jail, is definitely more deserving of its "X" rating, but I really didn't find the film as entertaining. It lacked some of the goofiness that made Amazon Jail so unintentionally hysterical. The film was just incredibly stupid in some areas, and there's never a clear cut "heroine" with whom we are supposed to cheer for. I thought it was the three girls who escaped, but instead they immediately murdered a couple so they could eat and steal their clothes. So that made a lot of sense. Unfortunately, no one is raped to death at the end of the film, but it did turn into a (strange and weird) porn in the last the last ten minutes, which included a fat hairy man with an incredibly fake looking penis (apparently he was too "shy" or the thought of a hot lady giving him a blow-j repulsed him). All in all, while Bare Behind Bars isn't one of the best WIP films, I've certainly seen worse (those were the ones that didn't turn into a porn in the last ten minutes).

Also Known As: A Prisão

Monday, April 20, 2009

Amazon Jail (1982)

Amazon Jail (1982)

Directed by: Oswaldo de Oliveira
Screenplay by: Alfredo Palacios and Oswaldo de Oliveira

Genre: Action
Running Time: 99 Minutes
MPAA Rating: X
Viewed: I plead the fifth.


Comments: Ah, yes. This is the kind of trash that I like at the Musical Whorehouse. I have such a stockpile of trashy/sleazy/shitty/awesome '70s and '80s horror and exploitation films that I have yet to get around to watching. Why? I don't know, but it's about damn time I dive into them. Amazon Jail has been panned just about everywhere I've read about it. A lot of people have stated that Oswaldo de Oliveira's previous WIP flick, Bare Behind Bars was better in many ways (I have yet to see it, but I will... next), but I actually enjoyed Amazon Jail. It had enough ridiculousness to entertain me in between the, uh... sleazier aspects of the film. Like when you're caged in a wooden prison, the best way to get out is to throw a Molotov cocktail at the door. While you're still inside. But hey, it worked for the prisoners. The film does end on a happy note, however. Well, after two women are gang-raped to death (??). Yeah, they were surrounded by five guys or so, and then they just stopped moving. And no one seemed to care. I do recommend the film for genre fans despite it's high asking price (good luck finding it for under $20 without a sale... which is why I plead the fifth). It's definitely a fun (if you're fucking weird like me) and entertaining film to watch.

Also Known As: Curral de Mulheres

Splinter (2008)

Splinter (2008)

Directed by: Toby Wilkins
Screenplay by: Kai Barry and Ian Shorr

Genre: Drama | Horror
Running Time: 82 Minutes
MPAA Rating: R
Viewed: Owned DVD

It will get under your skin.


Comments: Splinter combined surprisingly decent character development with some also decent gore to create a nice little independent horror film. I saw the preview for the film on the DVD for Timecrimes, and I was somewhat intrigued. However, I forgot about the film after that (most likely due to how awesome Timecrimes was) until I saw it for sale while I was out the other night. And being me, I figured what the hell. While I didn't find a real gem, Splinter has some nice shine to it and is a good way to kill and hour or so. The DVD cover hailed the "beast" in the film as the best of 2008, and while it is interesting, the low budget required the "shaky cam" when the creature attacks so it looks better than it does (which was a good idea). Best creature concept? Maybe. But in execution, while still interesting, I don't think the creature could be considered the best.

Thursday, April 16, 2009

The Reader (2008)

The Reader (2008)

Directed by: Stephen Daldry
Screenplay by: David Hare

Genre: Drama | Romance
Running Time: 124 Minutes
MPAA Rating: R
Viewed: Rental DVD - Blockbuster

How far would you go to protect a secret?


Comments: The Reader is a fascinating and compelling film that I think really deserved to be called one of the best of 2008. The courtroom scenes are extremely compelling and the best part of the film. The shots going back an forth between Kate Winslet's reaction to the testimony and David Kross' inner struggle are done quite well. I think the biggest crime of the film was the fact that the young Kross wasn't given top billing with Ralph Fiennes and Winslet. He was an amazing presence, and considering he was featured in most of the film I thought it was crappy that he didn't get his name on the top of the poster as well.

Saturday, April 11, 2009

Scrubs - Season Two (2002-2003)

Scrubs (2001-????)

Created by: Bill Lawrence

Season: Two (2002-2003)
Genre: Comedy | Drama
Number of Episodes: 22
Episode Running Time: 30 Minutes
Viewed: Owned DVD


Comments: The second season of Scrubs brings more of the same as the first. Watching the show is reminiscent of hanging out with friends: there's goofy moments, amazing moments, and sometimes there are serious moments. Okay, that was a horrible analogy. But anyway, Scrubs brings it in the second season with more excellent episodes.

Friday, April 10, 2009

Timecrimes (2007)

Timecrimes (2007)

Directed by: Nacho Vigalondo
Screenplay by: Nacho Vigalondo

Genre: Action | Adventure | Drama | Sci-Fi | Thriller
Running Time: 92 Minutes
MPAA Rating: R
Viewed: Rental DVD - Blockbuster


Comments: I had never even heard of Timecrimes before walking past it on the shelf at Blockbuster. It had a sweet looking DVD cover (not the poster above) that made the film look like a horror film. Instead what I got was an excellent time-travel film. The film was brilliantly executed, and it was obvious that a lot of thought and effort was put into the film. Time travel films are always interesting because of the complications and implications that occur when the person is in the past. In the case of Timecrimes, you do what you saw yourself do even before you traveled back in time. Even though the film's full of questions, it does an excellent job of giving as many answers as it can without ruining the film. And of course, the U.S. remake comes out in 2011.

Also Known As: Los Cronocrimenes

Thursday, April 9, 2009

The Midnight Meat Train (2008)

The Midnight Meat Train (2008)

Directed by: Ryuhei Kitamura
Screenplay by: Jeff Buhler

Genre: Crime | Drama | Horror | Mystery | Thriller
Running Time: 100 Minutes
MPAA Rating: Unrated
Viewed: Rental DVD - Blockbuster

The most terrifying ride you'll ever take.


Comments: The Midnight Meat Train was one of the more stylistic and interesting horror films I've watched recently. The biggest complaint I had however was the massive amount of CGI blood and gore. Nothing makes a horror film more crappy looking than fake shiny blod and other body parts flying off a body in slow motion. Luckily, there was a bunch of more realistic looking gore (including some cringe-worthy scenes where teeth and fingernails are removed). The film has a strange resolution, one which is explained yet out of the blue considering the rest of the film. But, as a whole, The Midnight Meat Train is an enjoyable gore film and a nice addition to the horror genre.

Tuesday, April 7, 2009

Scrubs - Season One (2001-2002)

Scrubs (2001-????)

Created by: Bill Lawrence

Season: One (2001-2002)
Genre: Comedy | Drama
Number of Episodes: 24
Episode Running Time: 30 Minutes
Viewed: Owned DVD


Comments: Scrubs has always been a favorite show of mine. However, I've never seen the show in order, and there's several episodes scattered throughout that I've never seen. Luckily, since I've purchased all seven seasons currently available on DVD, I figured it was about time. The first season of Scrubs is great. It successfully balances the drama and comedy, something that is not always easy to accomplish. There are a few "hokey" and goofy moments, but they are easy to overlook with the overall quality of the show. The Janitor is easily the best character on the show, and it's awesome that they give him more screen time and made him a full-time character in the second season.

Sunday, April 5, 2009

Fast & Furious (2009)

Fast & Furious (2009)

Directed by: Justin Lin
Screenplay by: Chris Morgan

Genre: Action | Crime | Drama | Thriller
Running Time: 107 Minutes
MPAA Rating: PG-13
Viewed: Theater

New model. Original parts.


Comments: I don't think I'm endearing myself to "serious" movie fans after the last two movies I watched were Fast & Furious and Transporter 3. But luckily, I have a long history of not giving a fuck and watching whatever stupid shit I want to. And trust me, Fast & Furious is stupid shit. But if it doesn't make you want to drive 150 mph down the highway while your buddy climbs out the window, I don't know what will. I've seen all three previous Furious films, and this one takes place between the second and third entries. And luckily, it's much better than both. It's doesn't quite match up to the amazing popcorn-fest that was the original, but getting the two leads back together makes for a much better pair than Tyrese and Paul Walker. Or that kid with a southern accent and some Asian kid. Despite their lack of acting ability, Vin Diesel and Paul Walker always had some chemistry when working together, even if it can be a bit homoerotic sometimes. Anyway, Fast & Furious is once again, nothing but entertainment (and a fucking moneymaker: 72 million - holy shit!) that will satisfy the action junkies in all of us. And you can bet your ass that you'll see the crew return for Fast Furious 5: This Time We Took "And" Out As Well As "The", especially since the movie will surely break $100 million by the end of next week.