Monday, April 20, 2009

Splinter (2008)

Splinter (2008)

Directed by: Toby Wilkins
Screenplay by: Kai Barry and Ian Shorr

Genre: Drama | Horror
Running Time: 82 Minutes
MPAA Rating: R
Viewed: Owned DVD

It will get under your skin.


Comments: Splinter combined surprisingly decent character development with some also decent gore to create a nice little independent horror film. I saw the preview for the film on the DVD for Timecrimes, and I was somewhat intrigued. However, I forgot about the film after that (most likely due to how awesome Timecrimes was) until I saw it for sale while I was out the other night. And being me, I figured what the hell. While I didn't find a real gem, Splinter has some nice shine to it and is a good way to kill and hour or so. The DVD cover hailed the "beast" in the film as the best of 2008, and while it is interesting, the low budget required the "shaky cam" when the creature attacks so it looks better than it does (which was a good idea). Best creature concept? Maybe. But in execution, while still interesting, I don't think the creature could be considered the best.

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