Tuesday, June 23, 2009

The Proposal (2009)

The Proposal (2009)

Directed by: Anne Fletcher
Screenplay by: Pete Chiarelli

Genre: Comedy | Romance
Running Time: 107 Minutes
MPAA Rating: PG-13
Viewed: Theater

Here comes the bribe...


Comments: So, some of the family was going to see The Proposal today. I had nothing better to do, and so I figured I'd tag along. After all, I like Ryan Reynolds. And, some moments in the trailer actually made me chuckle (Betty White feeling up Sandra Bullock, Reynolds having issues with "the morning"). I figured it would be a passable film and I would enjoy myself. I was wrong. I became vehemently angry by the middle of the film, as I was being spoonfed "comedy" while being completely derived of any character development. I can tolerate this as long as there is copious amounts of either violence or nudity. Surprisingly, there is none of this in The Proposal (sans a nice shot of Bullock all wet but covering herself after coming out of the shower). I enjoy romantic comedies as long as there is some thought put into the film. Sadly, viewers are derived of this in the film, and there were only a handful of scenes that were worthwhile. Bullock goes from being a complete bitch to a likable lady simply because she's Sandra Bullock, not because she has any meaningful growth as a character. The scene where she's discussing her life with Reynolds at night is the best scene, and the only one where she somewhat talks about why she does what she does. Note to the writer and director: dialogue is good! Instead of being forcefed Bullock singing "Get Low" with Betty White dancing as an Indian around in the woods (a major what-the-fuck moment that made little fucking sense), let your characters speak! So as you may have guessed, I really didn't care for this movie. Pass.

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