Sunday, July 26, 2009

Wrestlemaniac (2006)

Wrestlemaniac (2006)

Directed by: Jesse Baget
Screenplay by: Jesse Baget

Genre: Horror
Running Time: 75 Minutes
MPAA Rating: Unrated
Viewed: Owned DVD

Let the face off begin.


Comments: Wrestlemaniac starts off slow, boring, and about as generic as one could get. We're introduced to a cast of characters off to shoot a porn in in Acapulco, or Cancún, or some exotic Mexican city that they mentioned but I can't remember. For a movie about shooting a porn, not a lot of porn is involved, which is a major downfall. More titties = higher ratings. Anyway, after the first few idiots are killed off without a hint of gore, I was starting to get antsy. Luckily the second half of this (thankfully) incredibly short film picked up on the gore, and was much more entertaining. El Mascarado, our killer (played by none other than the father or professional wrestler Rey Mysterio, Jr.), specializes in ripping people's faces off (akin to Mexican wrestlers having their masks ripped off), and until Wrestlemaniac I never realized how easy this feat can be accomplished. Perhaps the next time I am in a tussle, I can just start ripping at the face. The finale of the film is a big shot to the male viewer's already blue balls, as the only chick that doesn't get naked (and the best looking one) hides underwater in a wet t-shirt and has her shorts ripped off, but nothing really interesting comes of it. She then is stabbed through the stomach with a giant metal pole and the movie ends. Yeah, I just ruined that shit for you.

Also Known As: El Mascarado Massacre

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