Sunday, April 10, 2011

Delivery (2006)

Delivery (2006)

Directed by: Jose Zambrano Cassella
Screenplay by: Jose Zambrano Cassella

Genre: Horror
Running Time: 95 Minutes
MPAA Rating: Not Rated
Viewed: Owned DVD

Tonight, nobody will forget his name...


Comments: I picked up Delivery a few years back from a local video store that was going out of business. It had decent artwork, and quite frankly, looked exactly like something I'd enjoy. Fast forward a few years, and I finally got around to watching it. The premise is a bit different than most low budget horror films. The main dude, who plays both the sympathetic character that the audience identifies with and the killer, is a relatively normal guy that can't catch any breaks and always gets shit on by everyone. This goes on for an hour or so until he snaps, killing pretty much everyone in the film up to that point. I will say that I enjoyed Delivery for the most part, and I found the lead to be half decent for his first acting gig. The problem is when the "horror" kicks in - everything is extremely underwhelming and boring. It also shows off the film's budget (or lack thereof), as a sorority party is forced outside in the rain where they're all electrocuted. It's hysterical, because there's twenty half-naked women standing in the rain jiggling around pretending to be fried - while shitty electric effects pass from person to person. It's awesome. Delivery? Not so much.

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