Thursday, April 14, 2011

Paranormal Activity 2 (2010)

Paranormal Activity 2 (2010)

Directed by: Tod Williams
Screenplay by: Michael R. Perry, Christopher Landon, and Tom Pabst

Genre: Horror | Mystery | Thriller
Running Time: 91 Minutes
MPAA Rating: R
Viewed: Rental DVD - Family Video

Last year you demanded it. But that was just the beginning.


Comments: I enjoyed the original Paranormal Activity - it was a solid enough movie despite its flaws. However, I wasn't expecting much from Paranormal Activity 2, but I ended up being pleasantly surprised. Not only was the film worth my time, but I think it was actually better than the first. I liked the addition of the security camera footage, because it made the proceedings a bit more realistic while at the same time not having to explain why a person would be carrying a camera around during the most random times (though that does pop up once or twice throughout PA2 - particularly toward the end of the film). I also liked the narrative and how it was woven into the first Paranormal Activity, and the thought put into it certainly surpassed the standard horror sequel script I was expecting. I do know what would make Paranormal Activity 3 great as well, and I'll share it with you: having a demon make Katie (the actress from the first two) run around topless all movie long. That's just a personal opinion, though. Anyway, I really enjoyed this, and will look to pick it up on Blu-ray down the road when it's cheaper. There's not much more that I could ask for from Paranormal Activity 2, especially when I thought it was going to be awful, so this is a definite thumbs up from me.

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