Directed by: Phillip Noyce
Screenplay by: Kurt Wimmer
Genre: Action | Crime | Mystery | Thriller
Running Time: 104 Minutes (Director's Cut)
MPAA Rating: PG-13
Viewed: Owned Blu-ray
Who is Salt?
Comments: So Salt didn't really do anything for me. It's your typical summer action thriller - lots of boom on the surface with nothing happening underneath. The plot and stunts are so fucking over-the-top that Salt is impossible to take seriously, something which also does nothing to help the film. I probably should have saved my money on this one, but I had just bought my Blu-ray at the time and wanted something fun and flashy. I just never got around to watching the film until now. Perhaps, if I had my own house with a fucking kick-ass surround sound system, it would've been a worthy early Blu-ray selection.