Wednesday, February 24, 2010

The True Story of the Nun of Monza (1980)

The True Story of the Nun of Monza (1980)

Directed by: Bruno Mattei
Screenplay by: Claudio Fracassi

Genre: Drama
Running Time: 93 Minutes
MPAA Rating: Unrated
Viewed: Owned DVD


Comments: I was out yesterday to pick up the just-released 2-disc Dead Snow. While perusing the horror section, I found Exploitation Digital's Nunsploitation collection for $20. The only film I had heard of in the collection was Joe D'Amato's Images in a Convent, and I've wanted to see that film for some time. It usually runs $15-$20 by itself, so picking up this set was a no-brainer. I decided to save Images until the end, so up first was Bruno Mattei's The True Story of the Nun of Monza. I've seen a few Mattei films before, and they've generally sucked (although I long for the day when I can watch his version Terminator II and Jaws 5). Monza had its moments, but it eventually fell short. The film started out with explicit horse sex(?!), and I have no idea why that was necessary. I'm not sure what's worse, horse on horse or woman on horse (Joe D'Amato's Emanuelle in America). But, on the other side, there are plenty of blasphemous moments in Monza that make me giggle. There's a scene where a drunken priest is dressed as Satan while hearing a confession from a nun, where he tells her how bad he wants to fuck her. There's also a scene where the Mother Superior is semi-raped on the altar. Still, all that awesomeness can't make up for much of the rest of the film being boring as hell (I made a funny!). While I would only recommend the film to genre-lovers, I still may recommend the Nunsploitation set based on the quality of the other films. Stay tuned.

Also Known As: La Vera Storia Della Monaca di Monza

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