Wednesday, February 10, 2010

GothKill (2009)

GothKill (2009)

Directed by: JJ Connelly
Screenplay by: JJ Connelly

Genre: Horror
Running Time: 75 Minutes
MPAA Rating: Unrated
Viewed: Owned DVD

It's open season on goth kids!


Comments: Ugh. I was checking into Wild Eye Releasing's limited catalog the other day, as they released Blitzkrieg: Escape from Stalag 69 (see the review two posts down). I recognized GothKill, as I had seen it at the store the other day, so I decided to pick it up. I realized that it was probably going to be just as amateurish and bad as Blitzkrieg, but figured it could be just as fun as well. It's not. GothKill is a horrible mess of a film. It barely runs an hour and has to be padded by credits to reach 75 minutes. The story is about some dude who used to be a priest or monk or some shit that got burned at the stake for speaking out at brutality against supposed witches. So Satan sends him back to Earth to capture souls to reign over in Hell. But when he returns, Satan has stolen his minions, so he goes BACK to Earth in the body of this goth chick, kills a shit-ton of goth people, but decides that the innocent virgin body he's in is too pure, so he goes back to Hell with his new souls, sparing the chick's life. Yeah. The plot is generally retarded, as the main dude fucking kills everyone without knowing anything about them, yet apparently has a conscience when it comes to the main chick. What the fuck? Doesn't Satan love virgins? GothKill is a poorly made piece of shit. The violence is horrendous, and there's very little nudity (which could have been the saving grace). This movie blows.

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