Directed by: J.J. Abrams
Screenplay by: Roberto Orci and Alex Kurtzman
Genre: Action | Adventure | Sci-Fi
Running Time: 126 Minutes
MPAA Rating: PG-13
Viewed: Owned DVD
The future begins.
Comments: This movie is fucking awesome. If there was ever a film that deserved a sequel, Star Trek is it. My original thoughts: I have never seen any of the original Star Trek movies, nor have I ever seen the original television show. My experience in the Star Trek universe is limited to some episodes from Star Trek: The Next Generation and some of the movies that franchise produced. However, all of that was around 10 years ago, at the least. So I guess you could say I'm not a Trekkie. But even with my lack of knowledge about the Starship Enterprise, I found myself totally in awe of the reboot of Star Trek. I can't remember the last time two hours at the theater passed by so quickly without me noticing. Perhaps the best comparison was the quote that you've seen on the Star Trek commercials, where they reference a quote stating the film is this year's Iron Man, which was one of the most entertaining films of 2008. Star Trek is full on excitement and entertainment, and better than Iron Man. Chris Pine, considering he's never been in anything of this magnitude, was amazing as Captain Kirk. You could just feel the "swagger" with which he approached the role. I was initially hesitant with Leonard Nimoy being in the film, as sometimes cameos distract from the film. Nimoy, however, has a much bigger role and was never a distraction. I truly hope J.J. Abrams makes another film, as I would love to see the continuing adventures of the crew. And given the great opening weekend it had, I believe we have not seen the last of Star Trek.
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