Directed by: Roland Emmerich
Screenplay by: Roland Emmerich and Harald Kloser
Genre: Action | Drama | Sci-Fi | Thriller
Running Time: 158 Minutes
MPAA Rating: PG-13
Viewed: Theater
We were warned.
Comments: I will openly admit that I love crap like 2012. When I was a younger lad, I can't tell you how many times I watched Armageddon and Independence Day on my trusty 13" TV/VCR combo set (which is now retired, although it may be resurrected if I ever move into a house with a big ass bathroom). I just love these end-of-the-world big budget disaster films, even though they're mostly explosions and destruction. Lately, Roland Emmerich gave us The Day After Tomorrow which was a much weaker film than the previous two I mentioned, but it still was an awesome spectacle to behold (despite the horrific plot). Now we have 2012. It's the kind of movie that if you have any desire to see it, you have to go to the theater because its impact will be greatly diminished at home (well, home theaters have come a long way, but mine hasn't). And I was loving 2012 through the first two hours. It was so over-the-top that I was giggling like a little school girl. Las Vegas? Fucking destroyed. California? Fucking destroyed. The world? Pretty much fucking destroyed. But the finale just annoyed the piss out of me. In a movie full of unnecessary moments, the final "big scene" was so unneeded, and it paled in comparison to the spectacle that was the previous two hours. Without trying to completely spoil the ending (skip this next part to be completely in the dark), certain people die, and no one seems to care, while certain people fuck things up and fix them later, only to be unceremoniously cheered (even though they wouldn't be in that position if said people hadn't fucked things up to begin with). Anyway, 2012 is pretty damn entertaining. It's too bad the ending fucked up what could have been one of the better "ridiculous" disaster films of recent memory. Mr. Willis and Mr. Smith, do not fret. Your positions are safe. For now.
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