Directed by: Joss Whedon
Screenplay by: Joss Whedon
Genre: Action | Adventure | Sci-Fi
Running Time: 143 Minutes
MPAA Rating: PG-13
Viewed: Theater (In Glorious 2D)
Some assembly required.
Comments: Granted, my expectations for The Avengers were pretty goddamn high, but I think the movie delivered... for the most part. The first hour was handled relatively well, considering the mammoth task of reintroducing a shitload of characters. It was slow at times, but a few action scenes and jokes here and there helped move it along. The real meat of the film is the final act, which is the Mecca of superhero gratuitousness. And it was fucking awesome. If some of those scenes didn't get your blood pumping wishing you could fight along with the team, then you aren't a true... nerd(?).
I think that Tom Hiddleston completely stole every scene he was in. While he was great in Thor, Loki transforms into a completely different beast in The Avengers (and his interaction at the end of the film with The Hulk might have been the funniest scene). Speaking of the green guy, Mark Ruffalo is pretty awesome stepping into the role of Bruce Banner. I'm always a fan of consistency with actors, but if the new actor is a better fit (see: Maggie Gyllenhaal in The Dark Knight), it's usually for the best.
So in the end, Joss Whedon did pretty damn well with The Avengers. He successfully managed six heroes, gave them all pretty equal screen time, and somehow managed to make Scarlett Johansson and Jeremy Renner not seem completely worthless in comparison to the overwhelming superiority of the other superheroes. People have been going gaga over The Avengers, and even though I don't think that it's the greatest thing ever (sorry, but The Dark Knight Rises is going to blow this out of the water), it's still rather good and awesome as hell.
And that's without seeing the 3D version - amazing! (This is referencing my complete disdain for everything 3D, excluding real life.)
I think that Tom Hiddleston completely stole every scene he was in. While he was great in Thor, Loki transforms into a completely different beast in The Avengers (and his interaction at the end of the film with The Hulk might have been the funniest scene). Speaking of the green guy, Mark Ruffalo is pretty awesome stepping into the role of Bruce Banner. I'm always a fan of consistency with actors, but if the new actor is a better fit (see: Maggie Gyllenhaal in The Dark Knight), it's usually for the best.
So in the end, Joss Whedon did pretty damn well with The Avengers. He successfully managed six heroes, gave them all pretty equal screen time, and somehow managed to make Scarlett Johansson and Jeremy Renner not seem completely worthless in comparison to the overwhelming superiority of the other superheroes. People have been going gaga over The Avengers, and even though I don't think that it's the greatest thing ever (sorry, but The Dark Knight Rises is going to blow this out of the water), it's still rather good and awesome as hell.
And that's without seeing the 3D version - amazing! (This is referencing my complete disdain for everything 3D, excluding real life.)
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