Saturday, March 3, 2012

Zombies of Mass Destruction (2009)

Zombies of Mass Destruction (2009)

Directed by: Kevin Hamedani
Screenplay by: Ramon Isao and Kevin Hamedani

Genre: Comedy | Horror
Running Time: 89 Minutes
MPAA Rating: R
Viewed: Owned DVD

They're just like you... only dead.


Comments: A buddy of mine at work has been on me to watch Zombies of Mass Destruction for some time. He was adamant that the movie itself wasn't the greatest, rather it was really funny and that made it better than it had any right to be. And I pretty much agree with him.

The main problem with Zombies of Mass Destruction is that behind all of the humor and violence, there's a definite agenda to show the audience how stupid right wing extremists can be. The main characters are an Iranian chick and a gay couple, so you can see where I'm going with this (plus the zombie outbreak is blamed on terrorists, so you can really see where I'm going with this). Granted, a lot of the humor comes from the confrontations between the main characters and redneck hicks, but director Kevin Hamedani takes things a bit too far and starts bashing the audience over the head with his opinions. The occasional jab here and there (aka subtlety) would have worked a lot better.

Beyond that, however, I enjoyed the shit out of Zombies of Mass Destruction. I legit laughed at a number of scenes, and the over-the-top gore was a nice touch. It's not something I'd urge horror fans to rush out and watch, but it certainly won't be a let down if you happen to select this film on Netflix some afternoon. That's my sound advice for the day.

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