Friday, January 20, 2012

Bellflower (2011)

Bellflower (2011)

Directed by: Evan Glodell
Screenplay by: Evan Glodell

Genre: Action | Drama | Romance
Running Time: 106 Minutes
MPAA Rating: R
Viewed: Owned Blu-ray

A love story with apocalyptic stakes.


Comments: What a fuckin' weird little film.

As I've mentioned a few times before, I tend to really look into the movies that I want to see. I watch trailers, I look at the casting, I look at the director and compare the current film to his previous projects; you know, that sort of thing. However, in the case of Bellflower, I did none of that. I had heard from a few places that this was a cool film, but I never knew what it was about. Then I saw a few of the posters and that's all I needed, apparently. In my head I formed this vision of a post-apocalyptic love story with explosions and flames and bad ass muscle cars. Bellflower really isn't like that. (Sadly?)

The film centers on two hipster dudes that don't work (actually, no one seems to have a job in this movie) but instead prepare for the apocalypse (in case it occurs one day) by building flamethrowers and the aforementioned bad ass muscle car (which, along with the flamethrower, is fully functional in real life). Our main hipster, writer/director Evan Glodell, strikes up a relationship with the lovely Milly and the two engage in the beginning of a not-so-beautiful relationship. Yeah, things get a little crazy...

Bellflower is a cool little film. A lot of people hate the film, and I can totally understand why. While I liked the two main hipster dudes, they do get a tad annoying at times and I can see that turning off some viewers (along with the escalating violence in the last act of the film). But despite finding the movie and subject matter a bit odd, I really enjoyed Bellflower. It's worth at least a rental for those that are curious. Or you could just drop $20 on it like I did, without even having a clear working knowledge of what the film is about.

Oh, and it does have a solid soundtrack, too.

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