Saturday, December 10, 2011

The Sitter (2011)

The Sitter (2011)

Directed by: David Gordon Green
Screenplay by: Brian Gatewood and Alessandro Tanaka

Genre: Comedy
Running Time: 81 Minutes
MPAA Rating: R
Viewed: Theater

Worst. Babysitter. Ever.


Comments: If I was an actual film critic, I would no doubt begin my review of The Sitter talking about director David Gordon Green's fall from film greatness. The man who has directed great films like George Washington and All the Real Girls has gone on to make nothing but stoner comedies in recent years - and nothing good after 2008's Pineapple Express.

But I'm not a film critic. I haven't seen George Washington and All the Real Girls (though I most definitely want to). I actually haven't watched Your Highness yet, even though I bought it on Blu-ray the week it came out. The only David Gordon Green films I've seen are Undertow and the aforementioned Pineapple Express - both of which I enjoyed. As such, I approached The Sitter as just another comedy and as not a symbol of Green's spiraling career.

But the critics were right on this one. While The Sitter's not completely terrible, it comes dangerously close at times. When the film's striving to be a mean-spirited comedy, it's actually pretty funny. But then we're force fed this heartwarming bullshit that comes out of left field and has no business being in the film. The Sitter never earns those moments. Not once did I buy that Jonah Hill made a connection with any of these children. But yet, he finds time to have these fucking heart-warming moments with each of them individually, after completely despising them moments earlier. On top of that, we're supposed to believe that Hill, in his last movie as a fat dude (and he's really fucking heavy in this film; I'm so glad he dropped the weight), can land not one, but two hot women. One of which is his girlfriend, who isn't really into him, and the other is this absolutely gorgeous girl. I can't think that anyone - and I really mean this - would find that story believable.

Believe the critics. David, it's time to get your shit straight.

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