Directed by: Roman Polanski
Screenplay by: Roman Polanski and Gérard Brach
Genre: Drama | Horror | Thriller
Running Time: 105 Minutes
MPAA Rating: Not Rated
Viewed: TCM HD
The nightmare world of a virgin's dreams becomes the screen's
shocking reality!
Comments: I've heard so many good things about Repulsion over the years that I jumped at the chance to record the film on TCM, which was played on Halloween evening. But I won't lie - I found this film very difficult to get into during the first hour. It's extremely slow, none of the characters are particularly likable, and nothing of note really occurs. We just see Catherine Deneuve slowly slipping into madness. Speaking of Deneuve, I had a hard time believing her early on, as she seemed more mentally retarded then psychotic (I realize that's not the PC thing to say, but that's what I kept thinking while watching her). However, once we get into the "meat" of the story, I started to understand why Repulsion has such a devoted fanbase. The last half of the film is excellent, from the portrayal of madness to Polanski's camerawork. Once the final image of Repulsion leaves the screen, the viewer begins to understand why Deneuve is how she is, and why she acts like she does early on. If I ever watch Repulsion again, it will definitely be to my advantage to have this knowledge of her character. It may make the film the masterpiece for me that it is for many.
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