Directed by: Abel Ferry
Screenplay by: Johanne Bernard and Louis-Paul Desanges
Genre: Adventure | Horror
Running Time: 82 Minutes
MPAA Rating: Not Rated
Viewed: Netflix Watch Instantly
Comments: A quick sidenote: For everything that's awesome about Netflix Watch Instantly, they do tend to piss me off once in awhile. Like the one night I wanted to watch The Sweet Hereafter only to find it to be non-anamorphic. Way to make the movie look like shit, guys. And today, when watching High Lane, I was pissed to find out the movie was dubbed, instead of using the French language track with subtitles. Nothing ruins a movie quite like dubbing.
Anyway, I hadn't even heard of High Lane before seeing a trailer for it Friday night on the La Horde DVD. It looked good enough, so I was excited to find it on Netflix. However, outside of the gorgeous locations used for the film (and it's pretty awesome that the climbing sequences are incredibly authentic), there's not one original thing about the film. Add that to the fact that all of the characters are completely unlikeable, and you have yourself a recipe for the completely below average film. High Lane screams of The Descent so often that I could've sworn I was watching a straight-to-video sequel (sans the creepy cave dwellers). Do yourself a favor and waste your time elsewhere.
Anyway, I hadn't even heard of High Lane before seeing a trailer for it Friday night on the La Horde DVD. It looked good enough, so I was excited to find it on Netflix. However, outside of the gorgeous locations used for the film (and it's pretty awesome that the climbing sequences are incredibly authentic), there's not one original thing about the film. Add that to the fact that all of the characters are completely unlikeable, and you have yourself a recipe for the completely below average film. High Lane screams of The Descent so often that I could've sworn I was watching a straight-to-video sequel (sans the creepy cave dwellers). Do yourself a favor and waste your time elsewhere.
Also Known As: Vertige
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