Directed by: Ivan Reitman
Screenplay by: Dan Aykroyd and Harold Ramis
Genre: Adventure | Comedy | Fantasy | Mystery
Running Time: 105 Minutes
MPAA Rating: PG
Viewed: Owned Blu-ray
They're here to save the world.
Comments: Now that I've upgraded to Blu-ray, I'll definitely be stringent when it comes to upgrading my DVD titles (at least at first). I have a pretty basic setup, and my TV isn't very large, so having upconverted DVDs will do the trick for now. I will make an exception for my favorite films, and that certainly starts with Ghostbusters. My love for this movie is never-ending; it was my favorite as a child and it's my favorite as an adult. Sure, it's silly at times, but it hits the mark for every genre it crosses into. I've always loved how realistically heroic everyone is at the end as well; they may be completely fucked, but they're going out fighting without being over-the-top prototypical action heroes. I was a little disappointed in the Blu-ray, as it's very grainy at times, but some scenes are really nice-looking. And why not release Ghostbusters II on Blu-ray? Sure, it's not as good, but I've always loved it as well and it really holds a soft spot in my heart. Now if only they release Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles on Blu-ray...
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