Directed by: Kevin Hooks and Brad Turner
Screenplay by: Nick Santora, Seth Hoffman, Zack Estrin, and Karyn
Genre: Action | Drama | Thriller
Running Time: 89 Minutes
MPAA Rating: Not Rated
Viewed: Owned DVD
Prepare yourself for the truth.
Comments: The reason why Prison Break: The Final Break is probably one of the best things the show's done since the first season is that there's only so much you can do in 90 minutes. Had this been Season Five, the entire premise would have been stretched over 22 episodes, with at least 50 twists thrown in. Not that it made the show less fun, but like the last few seasons of 24, there were so many twists and turns throughout the show that the viewer (or at least I) became extremely desensitized to it all. The Final Break is a great sendoff to a pretty decent show. It's a shame others can't go out as good.