Monday, July 26, 2010

Street Trash (1987)

Street Trash (1987)

Directed by: J. Michael Muro
Screenplay by: Roy Frumkes

Genre: Comedy | Horror
Running Time: 102 Minutes
MPAA Rating: Not Rated
Viewed: Owned DVD

Things in New York are about to go down the toilet...


Comments: Let's not mince words here, but Street Trash is probably the greatest film ever made. It's a great combination of something Troma would produce along with everything that was great (or horrible, depending on your perspective) about the '80s. The funny part about the film is that most of it really has nothing to do with the Viper beverage that melts/implodes everyone. If you watch the original Street Trash short film (I flipped through it quickly after the film; it's on Disc 2 of the "Meltdown Edition"), it contains most of the scenes of horror and violence that are in the feature film. However, a large subplot (or now the main story) was inserted about a Vietnam veteran who terrorized other bums in a junkyard, and it really has nothing to do with horror or the concept that Street Trash was marketed on. Despite the fact the film isn't exactly as advertised, it's still an interesting foray into trash films of the 1980s, and a pretty entertaining one at that.

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