Thursday, April 8, 2010

Stash (2007)

Stash (2007)

Directed by: Jacob Ennis
Screenplay by: Jacob Ennis

Genre: Horror
Running Time: 78 Minutes
MPAA Rating: Unrated
Viewed: Owned DVD

Blood. Crime. Weed. Moonshine.


Comments: So I bought a bunch of pre-viewed DVDs the other day from Hollywood Video's website (8 for $20, plus a $5 off coupon - I ordered 16 DVDs for $33 shipped) and Stash just happened to be one of the discs I ordered. I won't lie, I knew nothing about the film; I ordered it simply because there was a chick in underwear chained up on the cover. And let me tell you: it's awful. It looks like Stash was made on a budget of about $6.50. All of the acting is horrendous and the camerawork and direction is even worse. To top it off, Stash barely qualifies as a horror/exploitation film at all; sure there's some chicks chained up in a basement, but the film follows the cops and parents trying to find them more so than anything else. All of that means Stash is boring as shit. Barely any nudity and violence makes Greg a sad boy.

The worst part about the entire thing is that the disc was scratched to shit (being a used copy). The other DVDs I ordered from Hollywood Video are fine, but this one kept skipping 20 minutes in. I tried everything (including boiling the DVD), but nothing worked. The film actually showed some promise in the beginning, so I ordered another copy from a seller on Amazon. Bare with me on this one. Hollywood Video has horrid customer service, so I didn't feel like dicking around since I got such a good deal on the other discs. Paying a few extra bucks and ordering a good copy from Amazon was no big deal to me. Then I got the bright idea to burn the disc, as my DVD drive reads scratched discs well. This worked like a charm, and I was able to watch the movie on a DVD-R. Now I desperately don't want to spend any more money on Stash, so I contacted the seller on Amazon and tried to cancel my order. Haven't heard back yet. I am a dumb ass.

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