Directed by: Paul Greengrass
Screenplay by: Brian Helgeland
Genre: Action | Drama | Thriller | War
Running Time: 115 Minutes
MPAA Rating: R
Viewed: Theater
Chief Warrant Officer Roy Miller is done following orders.
Comments: I was a bit surprised at the extreme sides people were on when reviewing Green Zone. It seemed as though people either loved the film or hated it; there was barely any middle ground. After watching the film, I can now see why people are torn over the film. Green Zone pretty much takes a huge shit on the war in Iraq and the reasons behind it. While never really implicating George Bush, the film really criticizes those behind the scenes and their reasons for going to war, along with the fact that no one could ever find WMDs. I don't really have a problem with this (making movies like this is why we live in America, after all), although it does feel a bit odd that this movie came out so soon after the events. However, Green Zone does at times does drive the whole issue down the viewer's throat, to the point where I was rolling my eyes (particularly what Freddy says toward the end of the film). While I may agree with these statements, I don't need to see it spread out on a platter and laid before me so I can understand the point the film is trying to make. Beyond that, Green Zone is a damn entertaining film. Greengrass' "shaky cam" does get a bit annoying at times, but overall the film is a solid thriller worthy of a trip. I would caution staunch Republicans along with George Bush that this film may not be for them, however.
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