Directed by: Jim O'Connolly
Screenplay by: Jim O'Connolly
Genre: Horror
Running Time: 89 Minutes
MPAA Rating: R
Viewed: Owned DVD
They came, they saw, they died!
Comments: While perusing around Saturday Matinee on Tuesday (OK, I was going to buy the 2-disc steelbook of Transformers 2, fucking sue me!), I came upon a number of TV shows and boxed sets for sale. Normally, Saturday Matinee's prices leave a bit to be desired, but you can generally find some good deals if you know what to look for. Anyway, I found the four-disc British Horror Collection marked down to $9.99 (it was originally $49.99), so I decided to pick 'er up. I hadn't heard of any of the films before, but I decided to watch Tower of Evil first based solely on the fact that "extensive female nudity" was listed in the plot keywords on IMDb. There isn't. However, I was surprised that Tower of Evil was a pretty decent film. It's nothing memorable, but it's solidly put together and mildly entertaining. There's no real horror, and everything looks like it was shot on a set, but the actors and script are competent enough. I am rather interested in two other films from the set, Inseminoid (which just sounds fucking awesome) and Horror Hospital, so I'm going to try to watch those soon as well amidst all of the other new crap I have to watch (hello Transformers!).
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