Directed by: Alex Proyas
Screenplay by: Ryne Douglas Pearson, Juliet Snowden, and Stiles
Genre: Action | Drama | Mystery | Sci-Fi | Thriller
Running Time: 121 Minutes
MPAA Rating: PG-13
Viewed: Rental DVD - Blockbuster
Knowing is everything...
Comments: Toward the end of Knowing, I was trying to think of as many creative ways as possible to bash this film. However, I really enjoyed the ending of the film. Despite the fact that Ryne Douglas Pearson's story is aggravatingly weak, he didn't puss out on the finale. Unfortunately, the rest of the film is a complete mess. Characters are completely underdeveloped. Nicolas Cage is as wooden as ever. Cage generally has the same acting style in every film, but certain films (like this one) bring his lack of range to light. The main kid's attempt at crying toward the end is beyond laughable. Knowing is definitely Alex Proyas' weakest effort to date. If you feel the need to watch Nicolas Cage run around aimlessly for two hours, at least wait until the film is on the 99 cent shelf at your local rental store.
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