Directed by: Oswaldo de Oliveira
Screenplay by: Alfredo Palacios and Oswaldo de Oliveira
Genre: Action
Running Time: 99 Minutes
MPAA Rating: X
Viewed: I plead the fifth.
Comments: Ah, yes. This is the kind of trash that I like at the Musical Whorehouse. I have such a stockpile of trashy/sleazy/shitty/awesome '70s and '80s horror and exploitation films that I have yet to get around to watching. Why? I don't know, but it's about damn time I dive into them. Amazon Jail has been panned just about everywhere I've read about it. A lot of people have stated that Oswaldo de Oliveira's previous WIP flick, Bare Behind Bars was better in many ways (I have yet to see it, but I will... next), but I actually enjoyed Amazon Jail. It had enough ridiculousness to entertain me in between the, uh... sleazier aspects of the film. Like when you're caged in a wooden prison, the best way to get out is to throw a Molotov cocktail at the door. While you're still inside. But hey, it worked for the prisoners. The film does end on a happy note, however. Well, after two women are gang-raped to death (??). Yeah, they were surrounded by five guys or so, and then they just stopped moving. And no one seemed to care. I do recommend the film for genre fans despite it's high asking price (good luck finding it for under $20 without a sale... which is why I plead the fifth). It's definitely a fun (if you're fucking weird like me) and entertaining film to watch.
Also Known As: Curral de Mulheres
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