Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone (2001)
Directed by: Chris Columbus
Screenplay by: Steve Kloves
Genre: Adventure | Family | Fantasy
Running Time: 152 Minutes (Theatrical Cut)
MPAA Rating: PG
Viewed: Owned Blu-ray
Let the magic begin.[IMDb]
Comments: Well, here we go...
- I've never really had much of an interest in the Harry Potter series until recently. I don't know anything about the "Potterverse," I haven't read any of the books, and all of the early films seemed way too childish to really hold my interest (though I admit I was curious about the third installment, which was directed by Children of Men's Alfonso Cuarón). However, the last two or three films seemed much more entertaining (and were generally well-received by critics) - to the point where I wanted to see them. Unfortunately, I can't stand starting a series mid-way through, so I had to start at the beginning.
- When the last film was released on Blu-ray, I looked into picking up the complete series set. I really wasn't down with dropping $80 on it though. However, a few weeks ago I sold a few random out-of-print DVDs that I had no interest in (Anchor Bay's first and second season set of Titus and a few Something Weird DVDs) and an older iPod Nano, so I had over $150 to spend on Amazon. Thus, Harry Potter became mine (along with the second season of Archer, The Ultimate Matrix Collection, The Woman, and pre-orders for The Human Centipede II and The Dead - all on Blu-ray, of course).
- Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone was a decent film. It certainly serves as a good starting point, as the film introduces a number of characters and themes that I assume will carry on throughout the series. The problem with this is that it makes the film feel overstuffed and bogged down by everything that's going on. The two-and-a-half hour runtime feels extremely unnecessary, especially around the middle of the film.
- I was also less than impressed with the special effects. I'm entirely too lazy to go find the budget for the film, but knowing how successful the franchise was, I'd think they would have had a decent amount of cash. This is probably completely unfair, but The Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship of the Ring came out the same year, and it looks way better. (Completely unrelated: I also considered picking up The Lord of the Rings and Star Wars sets on Amazon instead of the Harry Potter series, but I already have those films on DVD and wanted to get something different with my Something Weird money. They will be mine though... eventually.)
- Despite a few flaws here and there, I still enjoyed Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone. Most of my enjoyment comes out of how well many of the characters are set up for future installments; I'm sure if this was the only film ever made, I'd have a lot more bad things to say about it.
- I guess it's time for Round 2... and goddammit, it's longer than the first film.