While I should probably wait a few more weeks to make this post, I was thinking about it in my head last night, and felt the need to discuss the few shows that I watched over the summer and what I'm planning on watching once the 2010-2011 season starts.
What I've watched this summer (ordered by the days of the week):
- The Hard Times of RJ Berger: I'm pretty sure this is one of the first scripted shows that I've watched on MTV (I can't forget about Beavis and Butt-Head). And it's surprisingly funny. There's not much in terms of originality or anything that makes the show stand out, but there's several un-PC jokes that usually make me chuckle. Oh, and Amber Lancaster is fucking gorgeous. I don't give a shit that she's 30 and playing a high school student. I just appreciate the fact that the producers try and get her in lingerie (or less) around once a show. I think I'd give the show around a 3 / 5.
- White Collar: OK, so I didn't watch this show over the summer. I just watched Season One on DVD over the weekend, and I spent pretty much all of Labor Day watching the eight White Collar episodes from the summer (that I DVR'd from a marathon on Friday). Like the first season, this is a fun show that I really enjoy. The "summer finale" is tonight, and the show will return in January with a seven-episode run to conclude the season. Definitely still a 4 / 5 for me.
- The IT Crowd: I've really enjoyed the show throughout the first three seasons. IFC started to air the newest season a few weeks ago, and I can't say I'm the biggest fan of it. The bizarreness of the show has risen tenfold. It certainly has some funny moments, but the overall episodes just lack the cohesiveness that the earlier episodes had. I still have half of the season to go (3 more episodes, haha), so I'm withholding my rating until later.
- Louie: I love Louis C.K.'s stand-up. I generally enjoyed his short-lived HBO series Lucky Louie. Louie pretty much combines both of those, in a way, as Louis blends stand up with short segments about his life. At times the skits are funny, sometimes they're serious, and they're almost always extremely self-loathing. Sure, the segments fall flat from time to time, but I really like Louis C.K.'s style. There's a two-part finale tonight as well, and I would give the show a 4 / 5 so far.
- The Glades: Despite bringing absolutely nothing new to the table, I really enjoyed A&E's The Glades. The show follows a cocky detective re-assigned to Florida. He comes off as arrogant, but of course he has a heart of gold. Oh, and he's almost always right (what a shock!). Still, it's perfect summer entertainment providing some fun characters with a hint of romance. There's still four or so episodes to go, but I'd give the show around a 3.5 / 5 (but I'd probably bump it up to a 4 due to some personal bias if the show closes out strong).
There's a few other shows I'd like to get into watching (Mad Men, True Blood, and Leverage to name a few) but I haven't seen any of the seasons so far, so I'm not going to start now.
So what's on the agenda for the fall? This year's a bit different, as a couple shows I watched religiously are gone (24, Lost), but two other shows are stepping in because I've caught them on DVD and loved them (Chuck, The Office). I always record more shows than I watch, and I usually end up liking shows the that get canceled. Monday is a busy day, and my DVR will be going nonstop that night. Without further adieu...
- House, M.D.: While the show's definitely lost some steam, I still enjoy spending an hour a week with Dr. House. Now that 24 and Lost are done, this is the longest running show that I've watched exclusively on TV. House and Cuddy are going to be a couple now, but I really think they waited way too long to do this story. I was interested in this five seasons ago; it's kind of lost a lot of the spark it originally had. From a few previews, it looks like there may be something going on between Chase and 13, which I think will be decent (although I still miss Cameron). I don't expect too much from the show anymore, but it's always good for an hour of escapism.
- Chuck: Even though it says I'm currently watching Season Three in the post above this, it still hasn't arrived yet (hence why I'm writing this now; hurry up UPS! [EDIT: it arrived finally at 7:30 at night]). I really love this show, and will definitely be tuning in for what I think will be the show's final season.
- Lone Star: This looks like a great drama. I've heard a ton of praise about this show, and Entertainment Weekly said it was the best new pilot of 2010. It may have been descrbed as a little "soap opera-esque," but I think it was meant in a good way.
- The Event: This show's had the best marketing for any new show of the season, and they're clearly aiming for the Lost crowd that needs a new show to turn to (even though it's much more of an action show, according the show's producers). Looks promising.
- Terriers: This show looks promising as well. It was created by one of the guys that wrote Ocean's Eleven and produced by the guy that made The Shield. I enjoy Donal Logue as an actor (he was very solid on the second season of Life), and this looks like something that would be up my alley. FX usually doesn't disappoint either.
- The Office: Season Six will be arriving along with Chuck sometime this afternoon. I really enjoy this show, and am looking forward to watching Steve Carell's last season. I know there will at least be a Season Eight as well, so I guess we'll see then if the show jumps the shark like I think it might.
- It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia: Nothing needs to be said.
And at the end of October...
- The Walking Dead: FUCK. YES. A weekly show about zombies?!?! Do I need to say more? How about that it's adapted and written and directed by Frank Darabont, who's done a few films like The Shawshank Redemption, The Green Mile, and The Mist. It's going to be awesome.
So that's that. The only other show I'm mildly considering is Hawaii 5-0, but I really don't know if I'm going to add another show to the Monday schedule (the first four are all on Monday). Of course, there's a wealth of other shows that are on that I'll be watching on DVD once I get caught up on the seasons as well, including (but not limited to) Fringe, Smallville, Supernatural, and Gossip Girl (yes, it's a great guilty pleasure). What else can I say? I love television.