Thursday, May 28, 2009

Friday Night Lights - Season Two (2007-2008)

Friday Night Lights (2006-????)

Created by: Peter Berg

Season: Two (2007-2008)
Genre: Drama | Sport
Number of Episodes: 15
Episode Running Time: 60 Minutes
Viewed: Owned DVD

Every day counts. One night matters.


Comments: Warning! Some spoilers ahead!

I really believe that I could write a 20 page paper on what a clusterfuck the second season of Friday Night Lights was. From the soap opera-esque storylines to the fact that there were way too many things going on to adequately tell each story that was occurring in the show, the second season was full of missteps (the DVDs feature slightly edited down episodes from the ones that aired on DirecTV, which could account for why some of the stories don't feel completely fleshed out). First, the whole Landry kills a dude storyline was completely ridiculous. We have a character that shouldn't be anything more than a secondary performer take up almost all of the first half of the season. His whole relationship with Tyra was unbelievable and there was absolutely no chemistry between the two. The Landry character works best in small doses, and should be used more as a face for humor in the show. That's not to take away from Jesse Plemons, the actor who portrayed Landry, as he did an excellent job with what he was given. He simply lacks the charisma and chemistry to have a major storyline arc. But how awesome was it that Aaron fucking Pierce from 24 was his father?

The second issue I had was with the return of Coach Taylor to the Panthers. He's such a great character and the second-best character on the show (more on that later) that his return to the team could have been such an emotional and entertaining storyline. Instead, it's completely mishandled so that the viewer only feels awkward and weird about his return. Despite taking way too long to get him back to the team (4 episodes), the scenario was set up perfectly with the new coach being portrayed as a prick so that the team and town would rejoice at his return. Instead, the show delivers the news via a newspaper article, and no one really cares that he's come back. The team feels he abandoned them, and that's to be understood. However, a scene where he walks in unannounced to the surprise of the team could really have been a bright spot to the first half of the season, and much more uplifting to the show.

With the major misfires at the beginning of the season, as well as the minor ones (Julie's annoying bitching and complaining every goddamn episode was one), the first half of Friday Night Lights was damn near unwatchable. I knew it was bad when I saw a character starting a crappy storyline, and I all could think was that this is the best the show could come up with? There's hardly any football in the season at all, which I thought was strange considering the goddamn show was about football. I realize that the teen drama is what audiences crave, and I like that too (you are looking at a guy who purchased the first season of Gossip Girl, and owns a few seasons of The O.C.). But football is the one aspect that brings the show together. It connects everything, and usually features the best storylines of the show.

The second half of the season was much better, and returned to more of the school/football aspect side of things. The only major misstep in the second half was the whole Riggins steals $3,000 from a drug dealer to pay the mortgage. Riggins is without a doubt the best and most compelling character in the show. However it's hard to like the guy when you have him stealing money from drug dealers, for whatever reason. Luckily the storyline was quickly and quietly swept under the rug, and no one seemed to care (especially Lyla) that he did it. It's truly a shame how Riggins was misused in the season. First, he played second fiddle to Street the entire first half of the season as they took a trip to Mexico (Street is another character that was played a solid role in the first season, but without a solid storyline and no football, he was given assinine and uncompelling things to do). Then in the second part of the season, Riggins became more religious and started "being a better person" to impress Lyla and win her back. Are you serious? Riggins is the true anti-hero of Friday Night Lights. I want to see him drink like a fish, get in fights, and be the star of the show. He has the charisma and chemistry needed with all of the characters, and with the right storyline he could be the true anti-hero that everyone loves. His storyline with the single mom and son last season was great, as well as the one where he moved in with Coach Taylor and defended Julie at the party. That's the kind of shit I want to see out of the character. Drinking and threatening to beat the snot out of people. Not a guy who becomes all holy to get with Lyla.

Friday Night Lights really dropped the ball (bad pun, I know) in the second season. The show has been renewed for a fourth and fifth season, so I'm hoping that the third season, which will make it's way into my DVD player later this week, returns to the roots of the show that made it so damn entertaining in the first season. With the writers strike ending this season early, hopefully the writers came up with some fresh and interesting storylines to really engage the audience in Season 3. Hopefully.

Monday, May 25, 2009

Friday Night Lights - Season One (2006-2007)

Friday Night Lights (2006-????)

Created by: Peter Berg

Season: One (2006-2007)
Genre: Drama | Sport
Number of Episodes: 22
Episode Running Time: 60 Minutes
Viewed: Owned DVD

Every day counts. One night matters.


Comments: After having some interest in the first few episodes of Friday Night Lights, the show really started to hook me. The show features excellent actors that truly embody their characters, as well as awesome directing that is both natural and different than what you would normally see in a television drama. The part of the show that annoyed me the most, however, was the lack of cohesion between some episodes. One of the best examples is the friendship between Smash and Riggins. In the first episode, it's made clear that the two hate each other, and they subsequently almost come to blows. But a few episodes later, and they're hanging out. And then, in an attempt to somewhat explain this, a few episodes later they talk about how they're cool with each other on the football field, but off they'll never be friends. Yet, a few episodes later, they're out drinking with Saracen, and they're all the best of friends. Now I understand the makers of the show need a way for all of the characters to be in scenes together, and I'm fine with that. I just wish they could have shown some more of the interaction to see the mutual respect grow between the two, at least to help the overall story arc. Overall though, Friday Night Lights is an engaging and entertaining show. And while I don't think it's quite as good as many critics have stated (in terms of writing and original ideas used each week), the show's overall look and feel is awesome, and one that I have become completely addicted to. Bring on Season 2.

Tuesday, May 19, 2009

My Bloody Valentine (2009)

My Bloody Valentine (2009)

Directed by: Patrick Lussier
Screenplay by: Todd Farmer and Zane Smith

Genre: Crime | Horror | Mystery | Thriller
Running Time: 101 Minutes
MPAA Rating: R
Viewed: Owned DVD

He's gonna break your heart.


Comments: Well, at least My Bloody Valentine was better than both the original '80s My Bloody Valentine and the recent reboot of Friday the 13th. But that's still not saying much. I tried to watch the 3-D version of the film, but all it did was give me a headache, so after 5 minutes I flipped the disc and watched the 2-D version. The film has a few good things going for it, namely the naked chick that runs around for a good 5 minutes (and I mean naked), as well as the events which lead up to the finale. The "whodunnit" aspect is played up well in the final act and I was actually unsure as to who in fact "did it." Once that's revealed however (in true eye-rolling fashion), the film loses all of the steam it had building, and returns to being just another horror film. My Bloody Valentine did have some decent kill scenes, including a shovel through the mouth and an old guy's jaw that gets ripped off. Even though My Bloody Valentine is simply just another slasher film, it is fun to watch, and worth a view for horror fans in need of killing time before H2: Halloween 2 comes out.

Sunday, May 17, 2009

Vinyan (2008)

Vinyan (2008)

Directed by: Fabrice Du Welz
Screenplay by: Oliver Blackburn and Fabrice Du Welz

Genre: Drama | Horror | Thriller
Running Time: 96 Minutes
MPAA Rating: R
Viewed: Rental DVD - Blockbuster


Comments: Fabrice Du Welz's Vinyan is an intense and visually impressive film. I really had a hard time picking one genre to tag this film, as it most definitely is not a horror film (despite some horrific things that happen during the course of the film). Drama seemed like the way to go, even though that classification doesn't sit right. Anyway, Vinyan features a storyline that feels like a modern day Apocalypse Now, with the exception that the protagonists are searching for a child instead of an overweight Marlon Brando. The film's biggest strength is Du Welz's impressive vision. The jungle is shot beautifully and the dream sequences are well-conceived. Vinyan suffers from some pacing issues, but strong acting and a great disturbing conclusion more than make up for it. Vinyan isn't a film for everyone; its slow, prodding pace may disinterest some. However, those looking for a strong sense of atmosphere may find Vinyan to be very rewarding.

Saturday, May 16, 2009

Yes Man (2008)

Yes Man (2008)

Directed by: Peyton Reed
Screenplay by: Nicholas Stoller, Jarrad Paul, and Andrew Mogel

Genre: Comedy | Romance
Running Time: 104 Minutes
MPAA Rating: PG-13
Viewed: Rental DVD - Blockbuster

One word can change everything.


Comments: Yes Man? No thanks. I initially had no interest whatsoever in this film. For me, it looked like Liar Liar 2. However, the film was praised in the reviews I read, and so it generated a bit of interest in me. I decided to rent it for a laugh, and I rarely got one. While their is nothing horrible about Yes Man, there's nothing that stands out. The only bright spot in the film for me was Zooey Deschanel. Although at times I have doubted her acting ability, I have never doubted her cuteness. Fortunately, she acts fine in Yes Man and is fun to watch in the film. The movie might be a good date movie, but when you're a single guy that generally likes extreme violence in his films, you may want to pass on Yes Man.

Friday, May 15, 2009

S. Darko (2009)

S. Darko (2009)

Directed by: Chris Fisher
Screenplay by: Nathan Atkins

Genre: Crime | Mystery | Sci-Fi | Thriller
Running Time: 103 Minutes
MPAA Rating: R
Viewed: Rental DVD - Family Video

It's time to travel forward.


Comments: I consider Donnie Darko to be one of my favorite films. It's been one of my most-watched movies over the past few years, and it's one of those experiences where I'll never forget the first time I watched it (the funk it left me in can only be compared with my first viewings of The Deer Hunter and Requiem for a Dream). When I learned they were making a sequel, I shrugged it off. After watching the trailer, however, my interest was piqued, even though it had a 4.1 on the IMDb. The biggest problem (besides the incoherent plot) is that the makers of the film tried to jam every little thing from the the first film into this one. From the movie theater, to the creepy religious guy, to Roberta Sparrow, to the montage scenes with the '80s music, to, well, everything fucking else. There's not one original idea in this film. Also, the acting in S. Darko is extremely brutal. It appears as though Chris Fisher's only direction was took look down and to the right while saying your lines without any emotion. I will admit that I enjoyed parts of S. Darko, but considering the film contains the exact same plot as the Donnie Darko (just with some random shit thrown in that makes you wonder just what the fuck is going on), there's really not much to say about it. Except that keeping your cigarettes rolled up in your t-shirt sleeve is awesome. And Donnie's little sister is a hottie now (she is portrayed by the same actress). This just make makes me wish that the plot of the film was getting Sparkle Motion back together.

X-Men Origins: Wolverine (2009)

X-Men Origins: Wolverine (2009)

Directed by: Gavin Hood
Screenplay by: David Benioff and Skip Woods

Genre: Action | Fantasy | Sci-Fi | Thriller
Running Time: 107 Minutes
MPAA Rating: PG-13
Viewed: Theater


Comments: I would like to thank the writers and director of X-Men Origins: Wolverine for completely fucking up the coolness that was the live action Wolverine character. Instead of the bad ass from the first three X-Men films, we get Hugh Jackman posing before he fights. Director Gavin Hood seems more intent on showing off Jackman's physique rather than portraying any type of depth to the character. The story is on par with the many shitty superhero films we've been subjected to before the rebirth of the genre (which started with Spider-Man and Batman Begins). Much of the dialogue is laughable, and the only actor that has any comedic timing and delivery (Ryan Reynolds) is limited to nothing more than a cameo (although we are going to be subjected to a Ryan Reynolds/Deadpool film shortly). I've generally been a fan of Hugh Jackman, and he has been in some great films, including The Prestige and The Fountain. However, the current version of Wolverine is a shadow of his former self. Sadly, X-Men Origins: Wolverine is one of the poorer superhero films to come out lately, and one that should only be a rental to those interested.

Thursday, May 14, 2009

The Road (2009) -- Trailer

This trailer makes me feel good in my happy place. The film is based on a book by Cormac McCarthy, who also wrote No Country For Old Men. The Road is directed by John Hillcoat, who doesn't have much experience, but he did direct the awesome film The Proposition. And Viggo Mortensen is in it, who has come from starring in shitty films to choosing only the best to take part in (due to his success with Lord of the Rings). Yeah, my happy place is still happy.

Star Trek (2009)

Star Trek (2009)

Directed by: J.J. Abrams
Screenplay by: Roberto Orci and Alex Kurtzman

Genre: Action | Adventure | Sci-Fi
Running Time: 126 Minutes
MPAA Rating: PG-13
Viewed: Theater

The future begins.


Comments: I have never seen any of the original Star Trek movies, nor have I ever seen the original television show. My experience in the Star Trek universe is limited to some episodes from Star Trek: The Next Generation and some of the movies that franchise produced. However, all of that was around 10 years ago, at the least. So I guess you could say I'm not a Trekkie. But even with my lack of knowledge about the Starship Enterprise, I found myself totally in awe of the reboot of Star Trek. I can't remember the last time two hours at the theater passed by so quickly without me noticing. Perhaps the best comparison was the quote that you've seen on the Star Trek commercials, where they reference a quote stating the film is this year's Iron Man, which was one of the most entertaining films of 2008. Star Trek is full on excitement and entertainment, and better than Iron Man. Chris Pine, considering he's never been in anything of this magnitude, was amazing as Captain Kirk. You could just feel the "swagger" with which he approached the role. I was initially hesitant with Leonard Nimoy being in the film, as sometimes cameos distract from the film. Nimoy, however, has a much bigger role and was never a distraction. I truly hope J.J. Abrams makes another film, as I would love to see the continuing adventures of the crew. And given the great opening weekend it had, I believe we have not seen the last of Star Trek.

Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Underworld: Rise of the Lycans (2009)

Underworld: Rise of the Lycans (2009)

Directed by: Patrick Tatopoulos
Screenplay by: Danny McBride, Dirk Blackman, and Howard McCain

Genre: Action | Fantasy | Horror | Thriller
Running Time: 92 Minutes
MPAA Rating: R
Viewed: DVD


Comments: Underworld: Rise of the Lycans combines a standard "slave leads a revolt" storyline with werewolves and vampires to create an entertaining, yet fairly uninspired action film (while it's categorized as a horror film as well, I saw nothing resembling horror in the film other than vampires and werewolves). I haven't seen the original Underworld in a long time, and have yet to see Underworld: Evolution, so I needed a quick refresher course as to how this film fit in with the first films. There really isn't much you would need to know if you haven't seen the other two, as the story is rather standard. I was reminded a lot of Outlander while watching the film, so I wasn't shocked to find out that Patrick Tatopoulos created the creature for Outlander and co-writer Howard McCain wrote and directed Outlander. The films are different, but they share a same "feel" to the script and overall proceedings. Overall, Rise of the Lycans is a formulaic film, but it is a decent way to pass the time. Plus, how often is there a sex scene where the guy is hanging off of a cliff?

Taken (2008)

Taken (2008)

Directed by: Pierre Morel
Screenplay by: Luc Besson and Robert Mark Kamen

Genre: Action | Crime | Drama | Thriller
Running Time: 93 Minutes
MPAA Rating: PG-13
Viewed: DVD

They took his daughter. He'll take their lives.


Comments: Even though Taken is the bastard child of The Bourne Identity, the film is still exciting and entertaining. It felt fitting that they showed the trailer for Crank 2: High Voltage before this at the theater, because although the film isn't as ludicrous as Crank, it's still a bit silly, but dammit if it isn't a fine popcorn flick. Liam Neeson goes balls to the wall in a performance Jack Bauer would no doubt be proud of. The film is never subtle, leaving you no choice but to root for Neeson, whose ex-wife is a rich bitch, and whose daughter loves him, but is sad because he was never around. Of course he's going to find her, and fucking kill everyone on the way there! There's definitely no shortage of action in Taken, a movie that if given some more thought in the script to go along with the excellent fight and chase scenes, could have been a really good movie. Instead, just bring the popcorn.

Sunday, May 10, 2009

The Limey (1999)

The Limey (1999)

Directed by: Steven Soderbergh
Screenplay by: Lem Dobbs

Genre: Crime | Drama | Thriller
Running Time: 89 Minutes
MPAA Rating: R
Viewed: Owned DVD

Vengeance knows no boundaries.


Comments: The plot behind The Limey is one that is always interesting to me: revenge. The film follows Wilson (Terence Stamp) as he is released from prison only to learn that his daughter, who was in a relationship with record producer/drug trafficker Terry Valentine (Peter Fonda), has died rather mysteriously. While the story was interesting, albeit simple, Steven Soderbergh's direction is overly "artsy," which at times takes away from the film. The acting is weak in certain points as well, as both Stamp and Fonda's delivery is questionable when delivering fairly straightforward lines (maybe that was Soderbergh's intent). The film has been widely praised, and I honestly don't understand why it was so well-received; I am a fan of Soderbergh's but I thought The Limey was just slightly above average. Well, I guess I can't always be pleased.

Collateral (2004)

Collateral (2004)

Directed by: Michael Mann
Screenplay by: Stuart Beattie

Genre: Crime | Drama | Thriller
Running Time: 120 Minutes
MPAA Rating: R
Viewed: Owned DVD

It started like any other night.


Comments: Collateral has been one of my favorite films ever since I first saw it in theaters. Michael Mann's portrait of Los Angeles at night is breathtaking and gorgeous. Combined with the mostly-excellent score (some song choices I didn't think fit the film well, but Audioslave's "Shadow on the Sun" was an excellent pick), the films creates such wonderful imagery of the nighttime scene. Jamie Foxx and Tom Cruise were excellent as well. Their characters are two completely opposite individuals, but there is a mutual respect that is shown at points throughout the film. Perhaps the best was when Vincent (Cruise) saves Max's (Foxx) life (granted his life wouldn't have needed to be saved if Vincent never put him in that position), and the two men share a look of understanding. There are other parts of the film, particularly the ending, when the two are at odds, and Mann beautifully captures the emotions that each are feeling. Collateral is a wonderful film, and one which deserves more of a following. I really don't hear much about it these days, and you never see it on TV. It's definitely worthy of two hours of your time.

Friday, May 8, 2009

Cold Prey (2006)

Cold Prey (2006)

Directed by: Roar Uthaug
Screenplay by: Thomas Moldestad, Roar Uthaug, and Martin

Genre: Horror
Running Time: 97 Minutes
MPAA Rating: Not Rated
Viewed: Owned DVD

Prepare for your final descent.


Comments: I first noticed Cold Prey while wandering around Wal-Mart one night. The movie looked like it might be promising. So I came home, checked it out online, decided I would pick it up on my next trip, and then promptly forgot about it. Last week, however, while at my local used electronics store, I found the film for $5, which was awesome. Upon viewing Cold Prey, the first thing I noticed was the colors, and how everything is mostly a shade of black or grey. I'm sure director Roar Uthaug (sweetest name ever?) used a filter of some sort, but there's no reds or yellows or any bright colors at all in the movie, which is rather neat and very cool looking. Cold Prey as a whole was a pretty entertaining slasher, even if it did drag on a bit in the middle. There's not very much gore, but there's a few creepy sequences that are well done. The dialogue is a bit hokey at times, but that could be just the translation as the film is not in English. It's worth a viewing if you're interested in a decent slasher.

Also Known As: Fritt Vilt

Tuesday, May 5, 2009

Chappelle's Show - Season One (2003)

Chappelle's Show (2003-2006)

Created by: Dave Chappelle and Neal Brennan

Season: One (2003)
Genre: Comedy | Music
Number of Episodes: 12
Episode Running Time: 30 Minutes
Viewed: Owned DVD

A new brand of comedy.


Comments: I never really got into Chappelle's Show when it aired. I found some of the sketches funny, but never really became addicted to the show as many did. I picked up the season sets last year for cheap, figuring that one day I'd pop them in. And today was that day. I now find Chappelle's Show to be completely hilarious. Most of the skits are spot-on and funny as hell. It's hard to imagine anyone else getting away with what Chappelle did, which makes the show all the more funnier. Perhaps that's why at the beginning of the first few episodes, Chappelle opens the show ecstatic that they had not been canceled yet. The only downside is that most of the musical performances have been removed, which means each episode runs 16-17 minutes. Other than that, the first season of Chappelle's Show is solid.

Sunday, May 3, 2009

War of the Worlds (2005)

War of the Worlds (2005)

Directed by: Steven Spielberg
Screenplay by: Josh Friedman and David Koepp

Genre: Action | Adventure | Sci-Fi | Thriller
Running Time: 116 Minutes
MPAA Rating: PG-13
Viewed: Owned DVD

They're already here.


Comments: I love the quote from Joel Siegel on the front of the War of the Worlds DVD cover, which states that Spielberg is "at his best." Really? Because, you know, when I think of Jaws, Raiders of the Lost Ark, Schindler's List, and Saving Private Ryan, I think of Tom Cruise, his shitty ass son, and Dakota Fanning. Anyway, the action is well done, and delivers the kind of popcorn entertainment you would expect from a film where the world gets fucked up by some aliens. The new subplot, however, with Cruise (right around the time he started jumping on couches), his son who hates him, and his daughter who is 10 but is smarter than everyone else and can cry on cue is cringe-inducing. I was entertained by the film the first time I saw it. However, watching it again made me want to punch Tom Cruise in the face. I don't mind him as an actor, but the script in War of the Worlds was well below average. However, a lot of shit did get blown up. So that's a plus in my book.

Saturday, May 2, 2009

The Baby's Room (2006)

The Baby's Room (2006)

Directed by: Álex de la Iglesia
Screenplay by: Jorge Guerricaechevarría and Álex de la Iglesia

Genre: Horror | Mystery | Thriller
Running Time: 77 Minutes
MPAA Rating: Not Rated
Viewed: Owned DVD


Comments: The Baby's Room is part of six films from the Spanish television show Films to Keep You Awake. The show is similar to the Masters of Horror series that was on Showtime. Except it's in Spanish. Anyway, I originally bought the three disc set from Lionsgate a few months ago, as two of the films are helmed by Paco Plaza and Jaume Balaguero, the two men who co-directed the amazing [Rec]. However, the damn thing sat on my shelf until now. I planned to watch one of the two aforementioned director's films, but I checked a few reviews and The Baby's Room was most often the favorite in the set. I was pleasantly surprised with how good this short film was. Álex de la Iglesia directed a wonderfully paranoid "haunted house" story. There are some moments that are genuinely creepy and gave me the chills as I watched what unfolded. I only hope the other films hold up as well as The Baby's Room. And don't let the fact that this was aired on television scare you away, as there was some violence, language, nudity, and all the good stuff packed in as well.

Also Known As: La Habitación del Niño

Friday, May 1, 2009

District 9 (2009) -- Trailer

I'm slightly intrigued by this new, Peter Jackson-produced, faux documentary film, District 9. There's a ton of rumors that the whole marketing process for the film is a giant smokescreen and they're actually making a Halo film, but I don't think that's the case. Anyway, fake documentaries usually are either interesting (Incident at Loch Ness) or interesting but poorly executed (Death of a President). Either way, the film looks at the very least interesting, but I'm pretty sure I'm going to have to wait to see it on DVD, because I don't think it's going to be very widely released.

The Descent (2005)

The Descent (2005)

Directed by: Neil Marshall
Screenplay by: Neil Marshall

Genre: Adventure | Drama | Horror | Thriller
Running Time: 99 Minutes
MPAA Rating: Unrated
Viewed: Owned DVD

Face your deepest fear.


Comments: I've had the urge to watch The Descent ever since talking about the film in my review of Martyrs. It's been awhile since I've seen the film, and I was hoping I would still enjoy it as much as when I first saw the movie. And I do. The Descent is an excellent piece of horror filmmaking, and a film that sticks with you after the credits finish. For the third straight film I've watched in a row, the second half of the film is utterly amazing. In The Descent, the first half is more of an adventure flick, which features lush and gorgeous cinematography. The creatures appear close to an hour into the film, but from then on the action is intense and fast. Sarah's transformation from the "scared widow" into the ferocious attacker she became is both believable and awesome. She looked so fucking intense when the camera would focus on her eyes as she was covered in blood. The score is also wonderful, and really adds to the film as a whole. I really can't write enough good things about this film. Of course, there is a sequel planned, and I hope it can be at least half as good as the original.